BioCity’s Discovery Building with Corona display — 360 Video and Photographs

BioC­i­ty’s new Dis­cov­ery build­ing was unveiled a few days ago, with a unique solar instal­la­tion, titled Coro­na, designed by Not­ting­ham artist Wolf­gang But­tress in part­ner­ship with Not­ting­ham Trent Uni­ver­si­ty physi­cist Dr Mar­tin Benc­sik. Fibre-optic lights and alu­minum tubes use real-time solar data from NASA, cre­at­ing a light dis­play which is always unique.

My 360 video with spa­tial audio (uses a dif­fer­ent mix of sur­round sound micro­phones as you spin your vir­tu­al head to sim­u­late reality):

360 still images with audio:

360 Image of BioCity Discovery Building

360 Image of BioCity Discovery Building