A Droplet for KRPano for Publishing 360 Videos

Here is the first ver­sion of a sim­ple droplet for con­vert­ing and pub­lish­ing 360 panoram­ic videos. It is intend­ed to be used for the processed out­put file from a Ricoh Theta S that has the stan­dard 1920x960 res­o­lu­tion. It is easy to do man­u­al­ly, but many peo­ple asked for an auto­mat­ic droplet.

It con­ve­nient­ly includes 32-bit and 64-bit ver­sions of FFMPEG for per­form­ing video conversion.


  1. Extract to your KRPano folder.
  2. Drag your MP4 video file to the ‘MAKE PANO (VIDEO FAST) droplet’.
  3. Be patient while your video is encod­ed to var­i­ous formats.
  4. Rename the fin­ished ‘video_x’ fold­er to a name of your choice.

You can down­load the droplet here:

Recent improve­ments include:

  • Adding three vari­a­tions of qual­i­ty, which can be accessed by the view­er in Settings.
  • Improv­ing the qual­i­ty of the default play­back setting.
  • Auto­mat­i­cal­ly switch­ing to the low­est qual­i­ty when used on a mobile device.
  • Using a sin­gle .webm video, as the for­mat is very rarely used, and very time con­sum­ing to encode.
  • Out­puts to a named folder.